Wednesday, September 23, 2009


WOW! Ihave not posted in forever! Well, im back, and i haven othing to talk about except for Joey now calls me buffalo andi hate it!!!!! i dont even look like one! but he calls hannah walrus jenna crocodile and jordyn curly cow (lol) so ya. It makes us all very NOT HAPPY!!!!!! so yeps thats all i have to say about my new nickname and ihope someday joey wil read this post and realize he was sure a jerk sometimes to me and all my friends!!!!!


Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hey, it's Twilight12. It's been super long since I last posted, and I just want to catch everyone up. School started August 13th, for those who don't know. Blech. I hate school. I don't think I've ever liked it. I liked preschool when we got naps and finger painting. Miss that. I'm now in 7th grade, and I haven't started liking it yet. lol.



Wednesday, July 1, 2009

hOw Is mY sUmMeR

Hey everyone. I haven't posted for a while, which probably tells u that I'm pretty busy. Mostly I've been hanging out at the pool. But this Friday, we are taking a trip to Kansas to visit my grandma who just happens to live on a lake. (And I figured out that we aren't going to stop in Branson this year we want to stay at the lake all week so that'll b funner)We go there every year, and this is the second year we will be there for the 4th of July. It's so much fun to light fireworks off of her dock, and plus, we can do a bunch of cool fireworks that we can't do at home, that we can only do over a lake. So, benefit! It's really fun. And I got a pedicure today and I got a french manicure, that is lined with rhinestones and they r really cute! Also my mom is gonna let me put a purple streak in my hair tonight so I'm happy about that but it's only semi-permanent, and it'll come out after like 50 washes so ya. Hope ur all having a kickin' hot summer!! LOL


Thursday, June 25, 2009


Hey I'm really excited right now and I am happy because I get to go to Kansas next Friday, and my grandma lives in Kansas and she lives on a lake so we visit her every year and we get to swim and stuff. Last year, we left a little early so that we could visit Branson. (It is a fairly small city in Kansas) We went the the Hollywood Wax Museum and it was really awesome there were a bunch of hollywood actors and actresses and they were all made of wax!! It was really cool. This year we are going to the Believe it or Not museum down there, and I don't know what's in it, but the building is really cool it's like I don't remember but yeah it's cool I think its purple oh well so yeah it'll be really fun!!! YAY!!!




Hey, everyone! It's Twilight12. I am sadly announcing that Michael Jackson is DEAD. Yep, you heard me, DEAD. I am sad because he was a really good performer, dancer, and singer. I liked a lot of his songs including, Smooth Criminal, Billy Jean, Beat it, Thriller, Black or White, Dirty Diana, and more. (That is in order which ones I like.) So yeah. If u didn't know he was dead, well, he is, and you'll never see him again. :( But, they are saying on the news that all of his albums are clearing off the shelves he's so popular now. It's very sad he died, for those who liked him, and I am one of those people.



Monday, June 22, 2009

Camping Trip

Hey, it's Twilight12. This weekend I had a blast. My friend took three of her best friends (including me) all camping at her camper in the Mtns. that her dad turned a bus into a camper! It was really cool. We went to a playground nearby w/ a tire swing, ropes course, swing, and a hang glider. It was really awesome. Then the next day, we went down to a creek down the mountain a little ways and two friends (not including me) went fishing, and the hostess and I panned for gold. Although we didn't find much, we still had lots of fun down there, but we found lots of agot that we kept, which is basically a clear gemstone. It's really pretty. There was also some red agot that we found, and some mica. Over all, we had a great time.



Monday, June 8, 2009


Hey, guys, I kno I haven't blogged for a while, but I've been super busy lately, and I completely forgot about my blog, I've been reading mostly, since it's been raining and I have nothing better to do. I'm reading Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer, it's the fourth book from the Twilight Saga, and it's really good, I'm pretty far, I started last week sometime, so yeah, I love it, anyway, I'm trying to keep up on my blog, but my efforts are looking pretty slim, this is the first time I've been on since, what, almost since school started so yeah! Thanks for reading my blog!!


Monday, June 1, 2009


Hey, it's Twilight12. You should all really check this out, my friend has it on her blog and it's really cool here's the URL: Thanx! This kid is really amazing I would have never expected it from a British!

iT's SuMmER!

Yay! I'm so relieved that its finally summer. I'd been waiting and waiting for Friday to finally come, which was May 29th. I am just so happy! Now I don't have to worry about studying for finals, or worry about having to get my homework done, or feeling very un-anxious to get up in the morning to go to school. My school had to stay an extra week in school because we had two extra weeks of summer. (which rocked) At least I can go to the pool almost every day of the week, even though I'm pretty badly sunburnt right now, so yep!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I pulled a prank!

Hey, it's Twilight12. In blogging, we are creating a post about pulling a prank on someone, or someone pulling a prank on you. I once pulled a prank on my friend. She is really nice, but my friends and I wanted to have some fun. So we decided it wouldn't hurt her if her friends did this to her. We wrote a fake love note, and shoved it in her locker. It said various things, such as, 'Do you want to go to the dance with me,' 'I'm in love with you,' and things like that. It was really funny at first; she didn't know who it was, but she had a very strong idea that it was her crush. Since she finally decided it was him, she wanted to put a note replying to him in his locker.
She let us read the note, and then told us what she did. We all gasped, and thought it'd be better if we told her--for her own good, or it would get terribly messy. When we told her, she got horribly offended, and very mad at us, but only because she put the note in her crush's locker, and he wouldn't even know what she was talking about. At lunch, she wouldn't even sit by us...she sat alone. We felt really bad. When recess finally came around after lunch, she was still mad, but I imagine she didn't want to hang independently. So she decided to finally come and talk to us about it, probably hoping we'd apologize for the millionth time. We apologized, and she confessed that she and her other friend had somehow opened his locker, and taken out the note before he could read it. She forgave us, and now it's in the past, even though we occasionally bring it up to bug her. lol.



Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My PlAnS fOr ThE sUmMeR

My plans for summer will probably only be babysitting and swimming. That's pretty much all I did last summer, and I don't have any hopes that it will be any better. Sometimes it was really fun, and others it was completely boring. We always went to this pool near my house, almost every weekend. It got really boring, but my brother insisted we go. I'll probably end up going to Elitches and Water World a few times, as well. Last year we got season passes to Elitches, but this year, my parents think it will be a waste of money because we only went a couple times last year. Other than that, these will probably be the only hilights of my summer. We may go on a vacation, but I highly doubt I'll get much more than this.



Wednesday, May 6, 2009

PiCs I mAdE!!! iN pHoToShOp

Hey, it's Twilight12. Today I made a picture in Photoshop that I want to show you. There's a hippo and it's baby. Here you go.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A mIsErAbLe FeElInG iS wHeN...

A miserable feeling is when I have so much stress on my shoulders because I have a very bad grade I need to get up, or I have a lot of homework that I don't have time to do. Some more examples would be if I have to clean my sometimes very messy room, or when I very seldom have to clean up the basement on the weekends. (VeRy MeSsY!) Another thing is when you are all ready to go outside and have a good time, or you know your going to do something fun over the weekend, but then you realize you have a lot of math homework you need to do, like 30+ problems. Then your parents tell you that you can't play outside, or you can't do that very fun thing you'd been planning forever, because you need to get your homework done. They sometimes say, "You can play outside after you finish," or "We'll go as soon as you're done."
When you finally finish, it's too late to do any of it. Those are some of the things that give me very miserable feelings, and make me so miserable and angry and stressed out when it happens to me, and I just wish it'd all stop.



Thursday, April 30, 2009


The time I went on a blind date was a day I wish I could forget. It was 5:50 p.m., and I was at my friend Lily’s house for a sleepover. They always talked about finding the perfect guy to set me up with—but I never imagined it would turn out like this.
“So, have you found him yet?” I asked Lily. “Maybe. But the girls and I need to talk about that,” she replied. I didn’t really know what she meant, but I hoped it didn’t mean anything bad. The girls went to talk in Lily’s bedroom. Of course, they shut the door. All I could hear were soundproof whispers, and laughs. I felt much excluded, but I couldn’t barge in and tell them that—especially if this guy turned out to be the guy. So I sat outside her door, and waited till they came out. Finally, after about ten minutes of discussing, they came out. All of them were smiling, but I thought nothing of it.
“So,” I smiled. They all burst out laughing. “What?” I asked. “Aren’t you going to tell me?” Lily walked closer to me. “Yes,” she said, and nodded. It sounded sarcastic. I braced myself. Ashley started snickering, but Lily warned her to stop. She did.
After a while, they told me that it was a really cute guy that lived down the street from Lily. She told me his name was Tyler, and he was very attractive. All I could help but think was What if they are tricking me? But then I realized they are all my best friends, and why would they do something so hurtful to me?
At 6:30, it was finally time to see him. They got me all girled up in a mini skirt and tank top. They gave me pink flip-flops, and a clutch purse. They put glossy lip gloss on me, and eye liner. “How do I look?” I asked after I was finished. “Great!” Everyone agreed. “Good. Now can I please meet him?” I pleaded. “From what you guys are saying, he sounds very good-looking!” Ashley started snickering again, and Sam hit her on the arm. Ashley rubbed it and being mature, didn’t hit her back or hold a grudge.

At last, we got out the door, and we were on our way to Johnny Carinos, so that I could have my date with Tyler. I didn’t see him yet, and my friends insisted we get a table before he gets there. I was horribly confused. My friends blind-folded me—I understood why they called it a blind date. I could hear a chair scoot out of the table, and someone sit down. I heard laughs, and running. “You can take your blind-fold off now,” Lily chuckled, and ran away. I slowly untied the blind-fold, (which was actually a cloth napkin) and saw a medium-sized boy my age, with glasses, a plaid shirt, high-top jeans, and hideous shoes. “Hi,” he sniffed. Then he shoved his inhaler in his mouth, and gave out a sniff. My eyes got wide and I ran away in terror. I got terribly mad at my friends, (whom apologized, by the way) and they promised never to set me up with a guy without consulting me first again.



(Like my story? Comment!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I don't leave home without...these three things

Hey, it's Twilight12.Today I am going to tell you what three things I normally NEVER leave home without. The first thing I NEVER leave home without is my cell phone--never! I always have it with me--I take it to school, the store, on vacations, (though I've never gone on a vacation with it yet--I hadn't gotten it yet!) The second thing I normally NEVER leave home without is my iPod. I don't take it everywhere, like I do my phone, but it's still a must-have when I go on long drives. Finally, the third thing I NEVER leave home with out, is perfume on. I don't want to smell horrible when I go places--especially if it's noticable!



Friday, April 24, 2009


Hey. Today we are doing our posts about if we think that people should be allowed to use their cell phones at all while driving. My answer is no. Talking or texting while driving has increased the risk of death. If I were you, I would NOT text, talk, and drive at the same time, especially if you value your life.

I also do not think that headsets or turning your cell phone on speaker would make a difference. You would still be trying to pay attention to the conversation, and less to the road.



* Twilght12 *

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

EaRtH dAy

I usually don't do anything on Earth Day. But, my family does recycle pop cans every day. When the garbage bag full of cans starts overflowing, we take it/them into Morey's and get money for them. It's not very fun, but it helps the Earth.

Something I think my family could do to help the Earth that we don't do, is to use less water for brushing our teeth and hair. It'd be almost impossible for my family to use less water on showers, especially me. I usually take 30 min.-1 hr. showers. Another thing my family could do is TURN OFF THE LIGHTS WHEN WE AREN'T IN THE ROOM! That's mostly to my brother. Every time we leave the house he leaves his bedroom light on, and we can see it when we get home. (His room's in the front of the house) Yep, that's all.



Monday, April 20, 2009

mY wEeKeNd!!

Hey, it's Twilight12. I am going to tell you what I did over the weekend!
I did a few things over the weekend that I will tell you about. I had a lot of fun. First, on Sunday, I went to my mom's work to paint the wall in her pilates studio. It was actually pretty fun. We used rollers to put the paint on. Second, the same day, I played hide-and-go-seek tag with all of my neighbors-four boys, (including my brother) and two girls. (including me) It was really fun. Then my family and I went to see the movie 17 Again. It was very good.

All in all, I had a very good weekend, and I hope to do some of these things again next weekend!!:)


Thursday, April 16, 2009

My FaV mOvIe

Hi. Today I am writing about my favorite movie. I'd have to say that my favorite movie would definitely be Twilight. I'm reading the Twilight books right now, and I love them. Although the movie is a lot different from the book, it's okay, because it's still a really good movie. That is why it's my favorite. I hadn't read the book the first time I saw the movie. I saw it with my friend, (who happened to be reading it at the time) and she said it was a lot different. The second time I saw the movie was also with my friend. Then I was reading the book. And the third time I saw the movie was with my family. Then I'd finished the book.

As you can see, I really like this movie-obviously, since I've seen it 3 times.



Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My CrEaTiOn In PhOtOsHoP

Hey, it's Twilight12. In Photoshop, we took regular, everyday pictures, and added fire to them. It wasn't easy, but it was worth seeing what you've created. So here is mine.

Friday, April 10, 2009

If I had $5000!!! It'd be the best day ever

Hey, it's Twilight12. Today in blogging, we are posting about what we'd do if we had $5000. With this money, I could buy a lot of stuff. First, I'd buy a new computer. Mostly because we need it. Probably a Mac.
Second, I'd take all of my closest friends to a convenient outlet mall that I live fairly close to. We could go into a ton of places, like Aeropostale, and Charlotte Russe. Then we'd go the mall. We could go to Hollister and buy some of their very cutest things.
Now you see what I'd buy with 5000 dollars.



If I had $5000!!! It'd be the best day ever

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cool Backround

Hey, it's Twilight12. In Photoshop, we made backrounds. They are really awesome, and I hope you like mine. It wasn't super easy to make.

Thanks for reading!!



Monday, April 6, 2009

Websites I LOVE

Here are some websites that I use most often, or have visited before, but not in a long time. I will list ten of my favorite websites to visit and play games on:

1. Google (To search for stuff I like to look at)

2. Miniclip (They have a ton of fun games)

3. Webkinz (The games)

4. Blogger (Self-explanitory)

5. Wikipedia (Search for stuff)

6. Cartoon Doll Emporium (To play dress-up games)

7. Qwest/ MSN (To e-mail)

8. My friend's blogs (I like to check out their latest posts)

9. YouTube (Sometimes I check out videos with my friends, or that they have recommended)

10. Zwinky (Fun game)



My Mom

There are many things that I could tell you about my mom. She likes to spoil me. I like that, although I may not deserve it. We like to see movies together, and go shopping, and bake. She makes really good things such as pies, cookies, cakes, and dinner meals.
My mom also does most of the cleaning around the house, and keeps things in order and the way they should be. She also does all the laundry, but my dad does most of the dinner cooking. She's also a very pretty and kind person. She loves me just as much as I love her.



Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SPRING BREAK!! (So sad it's over)

Hey, it's Twilight12. Today in blogging we are writing our blogs about what we did over spring break.
Over spring break, I went swimming with one of my best friends at a high school pool. It was really fun. There were two diving boards we jumped off of millions of times. (The diving boards were green, by the way!) We went to the edge and jumped really high and landed back on the diving board a couple times then jumped in. The other people that were with us kept getting annoyed that we wouldn't just jump off already. There were also swim lanes that were freezing cold. It was fun to go into the swim lanes and then get back into the warm waters of the pool. It felt like a hot tub. We also did races in the swim lanes, and I won every time.
Afterward, we all went to Panda Express and then my friend and I had a sleepover.



Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hey, it’s Twilight12. Today in blogging, we are talking about what we think people should do to try and save money in these tough economic times.
First, I think that people should save their money by putting it in their savings accounts, or in piggy banks. Somewhere it would be safe.

Second, when people don't buy things at stores, the stores don't make money, and then the people loose their jobs. That doesn't mean people should just go out and buy whatever the heck they want wildly! They should buy things, but not out of control like people are doing.

Lastly, if you are planning to buy lots of things at a store, buy things, but do it wisely. I recommend the sales rack!! save the $$$

Yin-yang and star

Hey, in Photoshop today we created cool designs and are putting them on our blogs. They are very fun to make, and here are two that I will show you. So here you go. They're cool. You should think so too. I know I do. Yes, yes they are.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

iPod vs. MP3 player

Hey, it's Twilight 12. Today we are supposed to do a review about two or more products. So I decided to do the iPod and the MP3 player.

Product #1: iPod

First of all, I like iPods a lot better than MP3 players. First of all, iPods are a lot better because they are nicer and they have a lot more things on them, such as music videos, movies, TV shows, games, etc. I have the iPod. If I were you, I'd get the iPod, not the MP3 player.


  • Small and portable

  • Hold lots of music

  • Videos

  • Popular


  • Expensive

  • Easily broken

Product #2: MP3 player

I think the MP3 players are kind of junky. They hold music, but not a lot. They also don't have music videos, movies, etc. like iPods do.


  • They hold music

  • Cheaper than the iPod


  • Doesn't hold a lot of music

  • Can't hold videos, movies, etc.

As you can see, the iPod is a lot better than the MP3 player for all of these reasons. Although the iPod is a lot better than the MP3, there are some downs about the iPod as well.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hey, what's up? Today we made cute pictures of animals and put frames on them. I don't know what kind of dog this is, but it's really cute. It's eyes haven't even opened yet! Here you go.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Shopping Spree

Hey, it's Twilight12. Today we are supposed to post about the most fun thing we've done lately. I decided to tallk about the shopping spree that I went on Friday to an outdoor shopping mall. I went with my mom, my mom's friend, and my mom's friend's daughter. My mom's friend's daughter and I were allowed to go together by ourselves to the shops we wanted to go to. It was really fun. We went to lots of places.



Thursday, February 26, 2009


Hey, it's Twilight12, and we are supposed to post a recipe that we made. So here it is.

First you'll need one cup of milk.

Then you'll need two eggs.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day loves and hates

Hey, it's Twilight12. Today I'm blogging about what I love and hate about Valentine's Day:

Sometimes there's just too much love
If you give someone a Valentine and they hate it
Loves: If you like someone but they don't like you back
The love
Sweet balloons

Secret admirers



Monday, February 9, 2009

ONE of the best singers

pic from:
In my opinion I think that ONE of the best singers is David Archuleta. I hope you agree!!!! He went on American Idol, and won second. He was really good, even though he wasn't first. I think he should have won, that's just my opinion. He's also kinda cute. lol. So yeah, I love his song Crush. That's my favorite song by him. Well actually, that's the only song I've heard from him. I'll probably hear more on 96.1.



My fav president

I got this pic from:
My favorite president would have to be Abraham Lincoln. He was a good president that made slavery illegal. I love that idea because slavery is cruel and mean. It would also be really hard. He also never let the world forget that the Civil War involved a large issue. As president, he built the Republican Party into a strong national organization. Also he did not give up when he lost to become the president. He tried again, and won re-election in 1864. As you can see, Abe was a great president. I also like his tall hat.



Thursday, February 5, 2009

Best Actor and Actress

I got this pic from:
Hey it's Twilight12. In my opinion, I think that Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are the best actors. They both played in Twilight as Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. I think that Rob is good looking and Kristen is pretty. They both did a great job in the movie, and I hope they make many more movies together.


Hey it's Twilight12. Today we are supposed to write about which Disney character we are most like in Blogging class. I think that I am most like Thumper. I have chosen Thumper because he is not shy. He also likes flowers, and so do I. He is also funny. That is all.



Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My friends are really cool. They are nice, caring, kind, and they love me just as much as I love them... I hope so at least. Here is a list of some of my friends, or some girls in my class. They are not in order! So don't take it personally if you are last. IT MEANS NOTHING!

1. Hannah

Friday, January 30, 2009

My Favorite Teacher

My favorite teacher would have to be my 5th grade teacher. I like her a lot because she was nice and caring and she let us turn off the lights while she read aloud to us after lunch recess. We were allowed to pass notes on white boards if we wanted to. Sometimes we would have Lady's Luncheon, and Boy's Luncheon, where either just the girls, or just the boys could eat lunch in the classroom, watch any movie we wanted, and we could go around talking about a certain topic in our little group. It could be anything. But she kept us in line at the same time. I will never forget you, Ms. O!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hi it's Twilight12. A secret that I don't really want getting around would have to be when my dog died. you may think that is something that shouldn't be so secretive, but he was my best friend, and I loved him very much. he died when I was in second grade. Here's the story: my dad was picking me up from school. I saw tears in his eyes, but thought nothing of it. but then after a little while, his eyes were still teary and watered. So I asked him the matter. He said he would tell me later.I waited for about five more minutes, and he finally told me. "We had to put Magnum down," he said, still almost crying. I said nothing. I just looked out my window, and quietly cried.
When we got home, i ran upstairs to cry alone. No one came upstairs, and I was glad, because I just wanted to be by myself.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dream B-day

If I could go anywhere for my birthday, it would be to take all of my friends and family to Hawaii for a whole weekend. we could go swimming in the ocean, and and get souvenirs
at the gift shops. we could have cool Hawaiian drinks. we could even go shopping in the Hawaiian malls (if they have any) we could also get our hair done in braids or in any cool Hawaiian hairstyle. that would be my dream b-day party.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dog Abuse

Have you ever heard about Dog Abuse? It is a very cruel thing. People all over the world have been doing it for a long time, and I think it needs to stop. It is where a person has an animal or dog to be specific, and they are very disrespectful and harmful to it. I feel very strongful about this because dogs are my favorite animals, and I have three of my own. I just don't understand it. IT NEEDS TO END NOW. SO JUST DON'T DO IT.



Monday, January 12, 2009


Welcome to my blog!
Here you will find info about what I like to do, read, eat, etc. You may find things about the book I am currently reading, called Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. You will probably find my favorite animal, movie, book, or other things.