Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SPRING BREAK!! (So sad it's over)

Hey, it's Twilight12. Today in blogging we are writing our blogs about what we did over spring break.
Over spring break, I went swimming with one of my best friends at a high school pool. It was really fun. There were two diving boards we jumped off of millions of times. (The diving boards were green, by the way!) We went to the edge and jumped really high and landed back on the diving board a couple times then jumped in. The other people that were with us kept getting annoyed that we wouldn't just jump off already. There were also swim lanes that were freezing cold. It was fun to go into the swim lanes and then get back into the warm waters of the pool. It felt like a hot tub. We also did races in the swim lanes, and I won every time.
Afterward, we all went to Panda Express and then my friend and I had a sleepover.



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