Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hi it's Twilight12. A secret that I don't really want getting around would have to be when my dog died. you may think that is something that shouldn't be so secretive, but he was my best friend, and I loved him very much. he died when I was in second grade. Here's the story: my dad was picking me up from school. I saw tears in his eyes, but thought nothing of it. but then after a little while, his eyes were still teary and watered. So I asked him the matter. He said he would tell me later.I waited for about five more minutes, and he finally told me. "We had to put Magnum down," he said, still almost crying. I said nothing. I just looked out my window, and quietly cried.
When we got home, i ran upstairs to cry alone. No one came upstairs, and I was glad, because I just wanted to be by myself.

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