Wednesday, April 22, 2009

EaRtH dAy

I usually don't do anything on Earth Day. But, my family does recycle pop cans every day. When the garbage bag full of cans starts overflowing, we take it/them into Morey's and get money for them. It's not very fun, but it helps the Earth.

Something I think my family could do to help the Earth that we don't do, is to use less water for brushing our teeth and hair. It'd be almost impossible for my family to use less water on showers, especially me. I usually take 30 min.-1 hr. showers. Another thing my family could do is TURN OFF THE LIGHTS WHEN WE AREN'T IN THE ROOM! That's mostly to my brother. Every time we leave the house he leaves his bedroom light on, and we can see it when we get home. (His room's in the front of the house) Yep, that's all.



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