Monday, June 22, 2009

Camping Trip

Hey, it's Twilight12. This weekend I had a blast. My friend took three of her best friends (including me) all camping at her camper in the Mtns. that her dad turned a bus into a camper! It was really cool. We went to a playground nearby w/ a tire swing, ropes course, swing, and a hang glider. It was really awesome. Then the next day, we went down to a creek down the mountain a little ways and two friends (not including me) went fishing, and the hostess and I panned for gold. Although we didn't find much, we still had lots of fun down there, but we found lots of agot that we kept, which is basically a clear gemstone. It's really pretty. There was also some red agot that we found, and some mica. Over all, we had a great time.



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