Thursday, April 30, 2009


The time I went on a blind date was a day I wish I could forget. It was 5:50 p.m., and I was at my friend Lily’s house for a sleepover. They always talked about finding the perfect guy to set me up with—but I never imagined it would turn out like this.
“So, have you found him yet?” I asked Lily. “Maybe. But the girls and I need to talk about that,” she replied. I didn’t really know what she meant, but I hoped it didn’t mean anything bad. The girls went to talk in Lily’s bedroom. Of course, they shut the door. All I could hear were soundproof whispers, and laughs. I felt much excluded, but I couldn’t barge in and tell them that—especially if this guy turned out to be the guy. So I sat outside her door, and waited till they came out. Finally, after about ten minutes of discussing, they came out. All of them were smiling, but I thought nothing of it.
“So,” I smiled. They all burst out laughing. “What?” I asked. “Aren’t you going to tell me?” Lily walked closer to me. “Yes,” she said, and nodded. It sounded sarcastic. I braced myself. Ashley started snickering, but Lily warned her to stop. She did.
After a while, they told me that it was a really cute guy that lived down the street from Lily. She told me his name was Tyler, and he was very attractive. All I could help but think was What if they are tricking me? But then I realized they are all my best friends, and why would they do something so hurtful to me?
At 6:30, it was finally time to see him. They got me all girled up in a mini skirt and tank top. They gave me pink flip-flops, and a clutch purse. They put glossy lip gloss on me, and eye liner. “How do I look?” I asked after I was finished. “Great!” Everyone agreed. “Good. Now can I please meet him?” I pleaded. “From what you guys are saying, he sounds very good-looking!” Ashley started snickering again, and Sam hit her on the arm. Ashley rubbed it and being mature, didn’t hit her back or hold a grudge.

At last, we got out the door, and we were on our way to Johnny Carinos, so that I could have my date with Tyler. I didn’t see him yet, and my friends insisted we get a table before he gets there. I was horribly confused. My friends blind-folded me—I understood why they called it a blind date. I could hear a chair scoot out of the table, and someone sit down. I heard laughs, and running. “You can take your blind-fold off now,” Lily chuckled, and ran away. I slowly untied the blind-fold, (which was actually a cloth napkin) and saw a medium-sized boy my age, with glasses, a plaid shirt, high-top jeans, and hideous shoes. “Hi,” he sniffed. Then he shoved his inhaler in his mouth, and gave out a sniff. My eyes got wide and I ran away in terror. I got terribly mad at my friends, (whom apologized, by the way) and they promised never to set me up with a guy without consulting me first again.



(Like my story? Comment!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I don't leave home without...these three things

Hey, it's Twilight12.Today I am going to tell you what three things I normally NEVER leave home without. The first thing I NEVER leave home without is my cell phone--never! I always have it with me--I take it to school, the store, on vacations, (though I've never gone on a vacation with it yet--I hadn't gotten it yet!) The second thing I normally NEVER leave home without is my iPod. I don't take it everywhere, like I do my phone, but it's still a must-have when I go on long drives. Finally, the third thing I NEVER leave home with out, is perfume on. I don't want to smell horrible when I go places--especially if it's noticable!



Friday, April 24, 2009


Hey. Today we are doing our posts about if we think that people should be allowed to use their cell phones at all while driving. My answer is no. Talking or texting while driving has increased the risk of death. If I were you, I would NOT text, talk, and drive at the same time, especially if you value your life.

I also do not think that headsets or turning your cell phone on speaker would make a difference. You would still be trying to pay attention to the conversation, and less to the road.



* Twilght12 *

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

EaRtH dAy

I usually don't do anything on Earth Day. But, my family does recycle pop cans every day. When the garbage bag full of cans starts overflowing, we take it/them into Morey's and get money for them. It's not very fun, but it helps the Earth.

Something I think my family could do to help the Earth that we don't do, is to use less water for brushing our teeth and hair. It'd be almost impossible for my family to use less water on showers, especially me. I usually take 30 min.-1 hr. showers. Another thing my family could do is TURN OFF THE LIGHTS WHEN WE AREN'T IN THE ROOM! That's mostly to my brother. Every time we leave the house he leaves his bedroom light on, and we can see it when we get home. (His room's in the front of the house) Yep, that's all.



Monday, April 20, 2009

mY wEeKeNd!!

Hey, it's Twilight12. I am going to tell you what I did over the weekend!
I did a few things over the weekend that I will tell you about. I had a lot of fun. First, on Sunday, I went to my mom's work to paint the wall in her pilates studio. It was actually pretty fun. We used rollers to put the paint on. Second, the same day, I played hide-and-go-seek tag with all of my neighbors-four boys, (including my brother) and two girls. (including me) It was really fun. Then my family and I went to see the movie 17 Again. It was very good.

All in all, I had a very good weekend, and I hope to do some of these things again next weekend!!:)


Thursday, April 16, 2009

My FaV mOvIe

Hi. Today I am writing about my favorite movie. I'd have to say that my favorite movie would definitely be Twilight. I'm reading the Twilight books right now, and I love them. Although the movie is a lot different from the book, it's okay, because it's still a really good movie. That is why it's my favorite. I hadn't read the book the first time I saw the movie. I saw it with my friend, (who happened to be reading it at the time) and she said it was a lot different. The second time I saw the movie was also with my friend. Then I was reading the book. And the third time I saw the movie was with my family. Then I'd finished the book.

As you can see, I really like this movie-obviously, since I've seen it 3 times.



Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My CrEaTiOn In PhOtOsHoP

Hey, it's Twilight12. In Photoshop, we took regular, everyday pictures, and added fire to them. It wasn't easy, but it was worth seeing what you've created. So here is mine.

Friday, April 10, 2009

If I had $5000!!! It'd be the best day ever

Hey, it's Twilight12. Today in blogging, we are posting about what we'd do if we had $5000. With this money, I could buy a lot of stuff. First, I'd buy a new computer. Mostly because we need it. Probably a Mac.
Second, I'd take all of my closest friends to a convenient outlet mall that I live fairly close to. We could go into a ton of places, like Aeropostale, and Charlotte Russe. Then we'd go the mall. We could go to Hollister and buy some of their very cutest things.
Now you see what I'd buy with 5000 dollars.



If I had $5000!!! It'd be the best day ever

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cool Backround

Hey, it's Twilight12. In Photoshop, we made backrounds. They are really awesome, and I hope you like mine. It wasn't super easy to make.

Thanks for reading!!



Monday, April 6, 2009

Websites I LOVE

Here are some websites that I use most often, or have visited before, but not in a long time. I will list ten of my favorite websites to visit and play games on:

1. Google (To search for stuff I like to look at)

2. Miniclip (They have a ton of fun games)

3. Webkinz (The games)

4. Blogger (Self-explanitory)

5. Wikipedia (Search for stuff)

6. Cartoon Doll Emporium (To play dress-up games)

7. Qwest/ MSN (To e-mail)

8. My friend's blogs (I like to check out their latest posts)

9. YouTube (Sometimes I check out videos with my friends, or that they have recommended)

10. Zwinky (Fun game)



My Mom

There are many things that I could tell you about my mom. She likes to spoil me. I like that, although I may not deserve it. We like to see movies together, and go shopping, and bake. She makes really good things such as pies, cookies, cakes, and dinner meals.
My mom also does most of the cleaning around the house, and keeps things in order and the way they should be. She also does all the laundry, but my dad does most of the dinner cooking. She's also a very pretty and kind person. She loves me just as much as I love her.

