Friday, January 8, 2010


Wow I can't believ its already 2nd semester---and i cnt believ im actually posting . It's been 43vr, and I just wanted to inform every1 on wats happenin'---so, joey hasnt called me buffalo in a long time---score! but he still does---:( o well ive gotten used to it since the last time i posted which was when, a century ago? well my life is pretty uneventful at the moment, but all my friends rok, my life is OK, and my family is great. guess icnt complain. hope somebody is glad i posted again since hmm...when was it again? o rite a centruy that old huh? rite i turned 13 on christmas! yay! well, ttfn!!! (and i really hope u kno what that means...if you don't, we will get thru ur stupidness together...i suffer from it sumtimes 2..but apparently not as much as u:P)
Liv, laugh, luv,

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


WOW! Ihave not posted in forever! Well, im back, and i haven othing to talk about except for Joey now calls me buffalo andi hate it!!!!! i dont even look like one! but he calls hannah walrus jenna crocodile and jordyn curly cow (lol) so ya. It makes us all very NOT HAPPY!!!!!! so yeps thats all i have to say about my new nickname and ihope someday joey wil read this post and realize he was sure a jerk sometimes to me and all my friends!!!!!


Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hey, it's Twilight12. It's been super long since I last posted, and I just want to catch everyone up. School started August 13th, for those who don't know. Blech. I hate school. I don't think I've ever liked it. I liked preschool when we got naps and finger painting. Miss that. I'm now in 7th grade, and I haven't started liking it yet. lol.



Wednesday, July 1, 2009

hOw Is mY sUmMeR

Hey everyone. I haven't posted for a while, which probably tells u that I'm pretty busy. Mostly I've been hanging out at the pool. But this Friday, we are taking a trip to Kansas to visit my grandma who just happens to live on a lake. (And I figured out that we aren't going to stop in Branson this year we want to stay at the lake all week so that'll b funner)We go there every year, and this is the second year we will be there for the 4th of July. It's so much fun to light fireworks off of her dock, and plus, we can do a bunch of cool fireworks that we can't do at home, that we can only do over a lake. So, benefit! It's really fun. And I got a pedicure today and I got a french manicure, that is lined with rhinestones and they r really cute! Also my mom is gonna let me put a purple streak in my hair tonight so I'm happy about that but it's only semi-permanent, and it'll come out after like 50 washes so ya. Hope ur all having a kickin' hot summer!! LOL


Thursday, June 25, 2009


Hey I'm really excited right now and I am happy because I get to go to Kansas next Friday, and my grandma lives in Kansas and she lives on a lake so we visit her every year and we get to swim and stuff. Last year, we left a little early so that we could visit Branson. (It is a fairly small city in Kansas) We went the the Hollywood Wax Museum and it was really awesome there were a bunch of hollywood actors and actresses and they were all made of wax!! It was really cool. This year we are going to the Believe it or Not museum down there, and I don't know what's in it, but the building is really cool it's like I don't remember but yeah it's cool I think its purple oh well so yeah it'll be really fun!!! YAY!!!




Hey, everyone! It's Twilight12. I am sadly announcing that Michael Jackson is DEAD. Yep, you heard me, DEAD. I am sad because he was a really good performer, dancer, and singer. I liked a lot of his songs including, Smooth Criminal, Billy Jean, Beat it, Thriller, Black or White, Dirty Diana, and more. (That is in order which ones I like.) So yeah. If u didn't know he was dead, well, he is, and you'll never see him again. :( But, they are saying on the news that all of his albums are clearing off the shelves he's so popular now. It's very sad he died, for those who liked him, and I am one of those people.



Monday, June 22, 2009

Camping Trip

Hey, it's Twilight12. This weekend I had a blast. My friend took three of her best friends (including me) all camping at her camper in the Mtns. that her dad turned a bus into a camper! It was really cool. We went to a playground nearby w/ a tire swing, ropes course, swing, and a hang glider. It was really awesome. Then the next day, we went down to a creek down the mountain a little ways and two friends (not including me) went fishing, and the hostess and I panned for gold. Although we didn't find much, we still had lots of fun down there, but we found lots of agot that we kept, which is basically a clear gemstone. It's really pretty. There was also some red agot that we found, and some mica. Over all, we had a great time.

