Friday, January 8, 2010


Wow I can't believ its already 2nd semester---and i cnt believ im actually posting . It's been 43vr, and I just wanted to inform every1 on wats happenin'---so, joey hasnt called me buffalo in a long time---score! but he still does---:( o well ive gotten used to it since the last time i posted which was when, a century ago? well my life is pretty uneventful at the moment, but all my friends rok, my life is OK, and my family is great. guess icnt complain. hope somebody is glad i posted again since hmm...when was it again? o rite a centruy that old huh? rite i turned 13 on christmas! yay! well, ttfn!!! (and i really hope u kno what that means...if you don't, we will get thru ur stupidness together...i suffer from it sumtimes 2..but apparently not as much as u:P)
Liv, laugh, luv,

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