Thursday, June 25, 2009


Hey I'm really excited right now and I am happy because I get to go to Kansas next Friday, and my grandma lives in Kansas and she lives on a lake so we visit her every year and we get to swim and stuff. Last year, we left a little early so that we could visit Branson. (It is a fairly small city in Kansas) We went the the Hollywood Wax Museum and it was really awesome there were a bunch of hollywood actors and actresses and they were all made of wax!! It was really cool. This year we are going to the Believe it or Not museum down there, and I don't know what's in it, but the building is really cool it's like I don't remember but yeah it's cool I think its purple oh well so yeah it'll be really fun!!! YAY!!!




Hey, everyone! It's Twilight12. I am sadly announcing that Michael Jackson is DEAD. Yep, you heard me, DEAD. I am sad because he was a really good performer, dancer, and singer. I liked a lot of his songs including, Smooth Criminal, Billy Jean, Beat it, Thriller, Black or White, Dirty Diana, and more. (That is in order which ones I like.) So yeah. If u didn't know he was dead, well, he is, and you'll never see him again. :( But, they are saying on the news that all of his albums are clearing off the shelves he's so popular now. It's very sad he died, for those who liked him, and I am one of those people.



Monday, June 22, 2009

Camping Trip

Hey, it's Twilight12. This weekend I had a blast. My friend took three of her best friends (including me) all camping at her camper in the Mtns. that her dad turned a bus into a camper! It was really cool. We went to a playground nearby w/ a tire swing, ropes course, swing, and a hang glider. It was really awesome. Then the next day, we went down to a creek down the mountain a little ways and two friends (not including me) went fishing, and the hostess and I panned for gold. Although we didn't find much, we still had lots of fun down there, but we found lots of agot that we kept, which is basically a clear gemstone. It's really pretty. There was also some red agot that we found, and some mica. Over all, we had a great time.



Monday, June 8, 2009


Hey, guys, I kno I haven't blogged for a while, but I've been super busy lately, and I completely forgot about my blog, I've been reading mostly, since it's been raining and I have nothing better to do. I'm reading Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer, it's the fourth book from the Twilight Saga, and it's really good, I'm pretty far, I started last week sometime, so yeah, I love it, anyway, I'm trying to keep up on my blog, but my efforts are looking pretty slim, this is the first time I've been on since, what, almost since school started so yeah! Thanks for reading my blog!!


Monday, June 1, 2009


Hey, it's Twilight12. You should all really check this out, my friend has it on her blog and it's really cool here's the URL: Thanx! This kid is really amazing I would have never expected it from a British!

iT's SuMmER!

Yay! I'm so relieved that its finally summer. I'd been waiting and waiting for Friday to finally come, which was May 29th. I am just so happy! Now I don't have to worry about studying for finals, or worry about having to get my homework done, or feeling very un-anxious to get up in the morning to go to school. My school had to stay an extra week in school because we had two extra weeks of summer. (which rocked) At least I can go to the pool almost every day of the week, even though I'm pretty badly sunburnt right now, so yep!
