Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I pulled a prank!

Hey, it's Twilight12. In blogging, we are creating a post about pulling a prank on someone, or someone pulling a prank on you. I once pulled a prank on my friend. She is really nice, but my friends and I wanted to have some fun. So we decided it wouldn't hurt her if her friends did this to her. We wrote a fake love note, and shoved it in her locker. It said various things, such as, 'Do you want to go to the dance with me,' 'I'm in love with you,' and things like that. It was really funny at first; she didn't know who it was, but she had a very strong idea that it was her crush. Since she finally decided it was him, she wanted to put a note replying to him in his locker.
She let us read the note, and then told us what she did. We all gasped, and thought it'd be better if we told her--for her own good, or it would get terribly messy. When we told her, she got horribly offended, and very mad at us, but only because she put the note in her crush's locker, and he wouldn't even know what she was talking about. At lunch, she wouldn't even sit by us...she sat alone. We felt really bad. When recess finally came around after lunch, she was still mad, but I imagine she didn't want to hang independently. So she decided to finally come and talk to us about it, probably hoping we'd apologize for the millionth time. We apologized, and she confessed that she and her other friend had somehow opened his locker, and taken out the note before he could read it. She forgave us, and now it's in the past, even though we occasionally bring it up to bug her. lol.



Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My PlAnS fOr ThE sUmMeR

My plans for summer will probably only be babysitting and swimming. That's pretty much all I did last summer, and I don't have any hopes that it will be any better. Sometimes it was really fun, and others it was completely boring. We always went to this pool near my house, almost every weekend. It got really boring, but my brother insisted we go. I'll probably end up going to Elitches and Water World a few times, as well. Last year we got season passes to Elitches, but this year, my parents think it will be a waste of money because we only went a couple times last year. Other than that, these will probably be the only hilights of my summer. We may go on a vacation, but I highly doubt I'll get much more than this.



Wednesday, May 6, 2009

PiCs I mAdE!!! iN pHoToShOp

Hey, it's Twilight12. Today I made a picture in Photoshop that I want to show you. There's a hippo and it's baby. Here you go.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A mIsErAbLe FeElInG iS wHeN...

A miserable feeling is when I have so much stress on my shoulders because I have a very bad grade I need to get up, or I have a lot of homework that I don't have time to do. Some more examples would be if I have to clean my sometimes very messy room, or when I very seldom have to clean up the basement on the weekends. (VeRy MeSsY!) Another thing is when you are all ready to go outside and have a good time, or you know your going to do something fun over the weekend, but then you realize you have a lot of math homework you need to do, like 30+ problems. Then your parents tell you that you can't play outside, or you can't do that very fun thing you'd been planning forever, because you need to get your homework done. They sometimes say, "You can play outside after you finish," or "We'll go as soon as you're done."
When you finally finish, it's too late to do any of it. Those are some of the things that give me very miserable feelings, and make me so miserable and angry and stressed out when it happens to me, and I just wish it'd all stop.

