Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SPRING BREAK!! (So sad it's over)

Hey, it's Twilight12. Today in blogging we are writing our blogs about what we did over spring break.
Over spring break, I went swimming with one of my best friends at a high school pool. It was really fun. There were two diving boards we jumped off of millions of times. (The diving boards were green, by the way!) We went to the edge and jumped really high and landed back on the diving board a couple times then jumped in. The other people that were with us kept getting annoyed that we wouldn't just jump off already. There were also swim lanes that were freezing cold. It was fun to go into the swim lanes and then get back into the warm waters of the pool. It felt like a hot tub. We also did races in the swim lanes, and I won every time.
Afterward, we all went to Panda Express and then my friend and I had a sleepover.



Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hey, it’s Twilight12. Today in blogging, we are talking about what we think people should do to try and save money in these tough economic times.
First, I think that people should save their money by putting it in their savings accounts, or in piggy banks. Somewhere it would be safe.

Second, when people don't buy things at stores, the stores don't make money, and then the people loose their jobs. That doesn't mean people should just go out and buy whatever the heck they want wildly! They should buy things, but not out of control like people are doing.

Lastly, if you are planning to buy lots of things at a store, buy things, but do it wisely. I recommend the sales rack!! save the $$$

Yin-yang and star

Hey, in Photoshop today we created cool designs and are putting them on our blogs. They are very fun to make, and here are two that I will show you. So here you go. They're cool. You should think so too. I know I do. Yes, yes they are.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

iPod vs. MP3 player

Hey, it's Twilight 12. Today we are supposed to do a review about two or more products. So I decided to do the iPod and the MP3 player.

Product #1: iPod

First of all, I like iPods a lot better than MP3 players. First of all, iPods are a lot better because they are nicer and they have a lot more things on them, such as music videos, movies, TV shows, games, etc. I have the iPod. If I were you, I'd get the iPod, not the MP3 player.


  • Small and portable

  • Hold lots of music

  • Videos

  • Popular


  • Expensive

  • Easily broken

Product #2: MP3 player

I think the MP3 players are kind of junky. They hold music, but not a lot. They also don't have music videos, movies, etc. like iPods do.


  • They hold music

  • Cheaper than the iPod


  • Doesn't hold a lot of music

  • Can't hold videos, movies, etc.

As you can see, the iPod is a lot better than the MP3 player for all of these reasons. Although the iPod is a lot better than the MP3, there are some downs about the iPod as well.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hey, what's up? Today we made cute pictures of animals and put frames on them. I don't know what kind of dog this is, but it's really cute. It's eyes haven't even opened yet! Here you go.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Shopping Spree

Hey, it's Twilight12. Today we are supposed to post about the most fun thing we've done lately. I decided to tallk about the shopping spree that I went on Friday to an outdoor shopping mall. I went with my mom, my mom's friend, and my mom's friend's daughter. My mom's friend's daughter and I were allowed to go together by ourselves to the shops we wanted to go to. It was really fun. We went to lots of places.

